Blog — Mac Reid
Posts in Mix Monday

One of the first friends I made over on tumblr is Regina. She was running a blog dedicated to the first five years of SNL around the time I started FYGR, so we started to chat. Amazingly, that was like, four (!) years ago. The other day, Regina made a post asking if anyone wanted to trade mixes, which: YES PLEASE, DUH. I was totally on board! Her taste in music is awesome.

She asked everyone what their tastes were, and offered to share hers as well. I decided to throw some tracks together and see how well I fared in terms of what she'd like. (It's a presumptuous hobby, what can I say.) So here's her mix~*~*~*~


Click image to listen! 

Little bit o'this, little bit o'that... Some fun jazz covers, an awesome Bollywood track that's very 80's pop, funky soul, garage surf, and a few electronica tracks. (The first one by Lemon Jelly has guest vocals by William Shatner! It's one of my favorite summer tunes.)

Regina is posting her mixes here, and if you want to get in on her mix trade shoot her an ask!

I went to SF this weekend, and I'm planning a few posts about it but I have to wait until my 35mm gets developed. *sigh*

I hope everyone's having a rock-awesome spring~*~*~*~

Happy listening~!
