First of all, I want to let everyone know today is a momentous occasion. You may or may not give a crap, but I'm going to tell you why anyway! Reason 1: The only thing I told my dad I wanted for my birthday was Cher tickets. CHER TICKETS. CYNDI LAUPER IS SINGING WITH HER Y'ALL. I'M GOING TO SEE CHER. & ALSO CYNDI. I feel like the only way this could get better is if Blondie were opening for them.
Reason 2: DIANE MOTHERLOVING KEATON TWEETED ME. I know, I know, conversations through social media don't hold a lot of weight or anything; but she was tweeting me about Madeline Kahn. Does it get cooler than that????
Ok, with those two things off my chest, here's this summer's mix.
I started the tradition of making a summer mix when our family got a really nice stereo that didn't have an auxiliary port for iPods. Ever the optimist, I would throw some of my current favorites on a disk and call it "Summer Music (fill in the year)" I have an old shoe box filled with different cds, and it makes me smile (and sometimes cringe) to see where my brain was at each summer.
This summer's mix is a hodgepodge of things that would actually be on a summer playlist (see: Pitbull Terrier) and songs that I've had on my summer jams list forEVER (see: Since I Left You). Also a Merril Garbus sandwich, because who could resist?
I hope everyone's having an awesome summer, I sure am!
Click the image to listen ~
Happy sun~!