Blog — Mac Reid
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Summer's been kind of brutal in my neck of the woods. My hours got a pretty drastic shave at work, so I've been underemployed since the first week of June. Working ten hours a week, and then....way less than that has turned me into a lawn flamingo. 

I eat popcorn out of a bag now. (Who does that.) Sometimes I'll even have some of the leftover salt from the bag after the popcorn is gone. (WHO DOES THAT.) The rest of my diet has shrunken to Ramen noodles, and whatever mystery meats I can steal from the bowels of my mom's freezer. (Shoutout to you, pork chop—f*&^ing delicious.) 

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a mythical wonderland. I've started making dumb jokes that are only funny to me. 

I recently misplaced the ink nibs I bought after finding them in my wallet and loudly proclaiming: THESE DON'T NEED TO BE HERE! I've been putting off sending the government my proof of income and if I don't do it before the 10th, I'll have to pay full price for my next doctor's appointment. Also my tags are expired on my car, and have been since April. 

On the plus side, I've gotten some really lovely odd jobs from people that care enough about me to keep me afloat. I helped run a yard sale; watered plants; house sat; inventoried a small indie publisher's current stock  (I GOT TO TAKE HOME SO MANY BOOKS, THANK YOU RHONDA!); drove someone's child all around town and helped her understand how to ride the bus; worked three consecutive night shoots; and spent my free time crafting some cover letters to blast with. 

From someone who worked herself into the hospital last year, having this much idle time is...weird. I keep thinking I'll sit down to write a blog post because I've been taking so many pictures, but I keep forgetting about it. 

The best thing about summer so far is a thing I never thought I'd see in this lifetime. One of my favorite bands, the Avalanches, finally released their second album! I've been holding my breath since 2004, which is when I discovered their first album Since I Left You. SILY is the first fully sample-based album, if my memory's correct. It's a phenomenal ride from start to finish, and I, along with many others, eagerly anticipated a follow up. Wildflower is really different, but still has the same bottom-of-the-crate stylistic prowess. I feel bias because Since I Left You is one of my favorite albums of all time, but Wildflower is a really fun ride that was WELL worth the 12 year wait. (Shit, Danny Brown's verse on Frankie Sinatra alone was worth the 12 year wait.) 

Take an hour, give it a listen. Don't try and futz around figuring out which songs to listen to. It's an immersive narrative and 100% worth the ride. It'll be on repeat the rest of the summer for me!

My summer photo diary is a mix of phone and MK III pictures. So many crazy things have gone on since I last posted. I took my sister to see Beyoncé for her birthday (AMAZEBALLS), turned 27, reconnected with some old friends, saw Ghostbusters, and have been enjoying the mild weather we're having immensely. 

I tried to not just post all pictures of the cute baby. (IT WAS SO HARD.) 

I hope everyone has a lovely tail end of summer~!


I guess it was Kate Bush's birthday yesterday. I love her!