Blog — Mac Reid


java, jazz, joie de vivre

Autumn is here! 

It's almost 1:30am, and I'm writing a blog post to the sound of a deluge. Also hacking up both lungs, but that's beside the point.

Lately, Portland's been having those mornings where you wrap up in your blankets extra tight with the hope that your alarm won't go off. Being sick doesn't help this morning calm too much, but it's otherwise pleasant. I think I've managed to catch different colds from all three of the children I work with. I think coming down with things is probably an occupational hazard! 

The end of summer around Portland was lovely. I found work just in time to afford a ticket to RCCC, so I was able to see Joan Cusack. She strikes me as the type of person who, if she were standing right next to you and you weren't aware—you'd just feel better. She exudes kindness, and I was really taken aback by it. Not so much the kindness itself, but the sheer amount. She was an absolute delight! I was able to doodle something for her as well, which felt great. 

She really enjoyed it, which was even better. 

"You're so funny with the eggplant!" Sheila Jackson and Alsatia Zevo are two of my favorite characters of hers, and they seemed as though they would get along well if they could hang out. 

I haven't been to many cons, so this was a nice toe-dip in so to speak. I really enjoyed it! 

The other thing that I got to do that was really fun was to see Bonnie Raitt in concert. It was pouring, and the venue was outside. My mom's boyfriend bailed last minute, so I got to have his ticket. It was SO GREAT. Bonnie can f^%$#ing play. She's also hilarious. The best joke of the night went something like this: 

"Where's my bottleneck? Oh, it's in my pocket. I thought I was just happy to see you guys!" 

She played Nick of Time as one of her last songs which is my favorite. Such a treat! 

The last thing worth mentioning with more than one quick image is that I attended a wedding. Normally not news-worthy for most, but I hang with a crowd that mostly eschews the idea of marriage. It's very purposeful on my part because the western ideal life timeline makes me cranky. I was happy to think out of that box and celebrate the lovely Em and Jill, whose nuptials were totally awesome. There was an entire table of poets, and poems were read instead of toasts being made. It was rad as hell. 

Queerly they did!

Queerly they did!

Still working on their wedding presents. Life has been busy, as per usual. 

Other things worth mentioning in a list: 

  • Dating a cute girl. This is excellent. She is really wonderful, and she puts up with all of my shit which...never happens. She also works at a bakery and makes me coffee all the time! 
  • Gene Wilder died, which knocked me out for a few days. I have tattoos of two of his leading ladies on my wrist, and I felt like my heart was going to break. 
  • I cleaned my room. This may not seem like anything worth talking about, but I'll put before and after pictures in the bottom gallery so you can see why it's discussion worthy. I hadn't cleaned in a month and change. Things were getting drastic. 
  • I have work finally! I'm super grateful that I get to keep nannying. As silly as this sounds, I really love it. 
  • I'm also happy that it's starting to get rainy. Bring on the fall jazz~*~*~ 
  • I think I'm going to go as Judi Sheppard Misset for Halloween. She invented Jazzercise. Seems like it would be pretty low maintenance, and my hair is the right length for a disastrous home perm. Sign me up!

Before I sign off, it's worth mentioning that the two custom Blythe dolls are by the wonderful Rhodora Jacob. I also bought some crazy cool Steven Universe stickers from her tablemate Hannako Lambert.

I hope everyone has a wonderful fall, 


Got my brows sugared before the wedding. I was trying to look cute and failing at it pretty hard!

Got my brows sugared before the wedding. I was trying to look cute and failing at it pretty hard!