Hey everyone! This last weekend I was stupid busy. My friend Aileen tapped me to co-write her 48 hour film project this year. For those who are unaware, 48HRFP is a festival where you make a movie, pre through post, in 48 hours. Friday evening, your group draws a genre, and all the groups are assigned a prop (this year's was a mirror), a character (Tina/Trevor Dumonde), and a line (I looked at it awhile before I saw it). Our genre was romance. Julia (my co-writer) & I were ready to go. We brainstormed with the rest of the cast and crew for a few hours and then got to work.
We decided to write about a couple interviewing people to have a threesome with. It was bananas.
We had a little help from these dudes.
Writer's meeting to solidify an outline before we sent everyone home for the night.
Aileen & Amanda rent a photo studio for their office. Julia and Maren decided to goof off in white world.
Needless to say, it took awhile for us to get started...
Julia & Aileen trying on my glasses.
Our writing nook for the evening!
Aileen & Amanda getting through the nuts and bolts of pre-pro while Julia and I wrote.
Our set up at CC Slaughter's downtown.
Makeup artist Kate helps Carin with her AMAZING get up.
My silly little rainbow mug...hehehe.
Lauren and Renato rehearsing a scene.
Doug, booming.
Renato's ad-libs were hilarious! We had a lot of trouble keeping it together while he was filming.
Joan (played by Carin) was my FAVORITE character! Julia wrote most of her lines, and they are AMAZING.
That's a wrap on Renato!
Joan & Paolo, up close and personal.
Running lines.
Kate takes a break.
We all had a little snack before heading to Julia's place to finish filming.
Julia and Jack with their matching tattoos.
We wrapped before midnight, which was AWESOME. Aileen decided to call the project "Something New", and it's going to be amazing when it's all done. Our screening is on Wednesday, so I'll be sure to post the video of our finished project once Aileen puts it online.
That's a wrap!
Happy filming~!