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Mix Monday: 11/4

And a few links to help those of you WriMos this year. Last week I must have been drunk. I thought Halloween was wednesday (it wasn't) so I posted my halloween mix on Thursday, thinking it was Wednesday; and my WWP got a little lost in the shuffle. I had a few deadlines to meet, and a halloween costume to plan out.

I went as Carrie. I thought it looked pretty decent?

Hopefully everyone had a safe & fun holiday! Our house's party ended up getting shut down by the cops. LOLWEROLLHARD@WEEKENDDAD'S....

This week's MM is a collection of tracks that have gotten me through the last week or so in one piece. Since a lot of that "getting through" has been writing related, I also tagged it as a writing playlist on 8tracks.


Click the image to listen~

Though, if I were being truthful, it'd just be Napoleon's entire album because: HOLY NARDS IT'S SO GOOD. This week is also a Bent sandwich because the weather's getting a little colder, which means it's time to bust out the Bent. Leavin' Me is one of my favorite songs of all time, so I hope you enjoy it!

Last weekend's WWP, and a good one to think about if you're doing NaNoWriMo is a neat thing I learned from Joey Mazz when I was interning at Sesame Street. (Ok, ok, name dropping is over for the time being....) I was sitting in his office clanking my bones around (because I have a HUGE art crush on him) and he asked me a question which I wasn't prepared to answer.

"What do you love?"

The takeaway message from our talk is something I think about all the time. After that, he said "You should write what you love." Which, in retrospect is something fairly obvious, right? Do stuff that interests you?

Anyway, your challenge, not only for this week, but for as long as you call yourself a creative person, is to make a list of things you love. Tangible things, successful elements in your favorite forms of consumable media, stuff you actually like to write about, anything. Make a physical list, know that there are no wrong answers, and no limit to the amount of lists you make. Start with one. (The last one I made was almost three years ago, and I made another one yesterday evening, as well as keeping a visual journal of stuff on sites like livejournal, tumblr, and pinterest.)

Happy listening, and happy listing~!



Here's a great masterpost of helpful links for everyone doing NaNo this year.